Often times a Support Representative will ask for more information about your computer. You can create and send these files to help diagnose the problem. With these files, we will be able to tell if your computer is capable of running the client or games or if something is blocking your connection. Use the following instructions when asked to gather these files.
How to Create the DXDiag File
- Press the Windows Key and R on the keyboard.
- Type "dxdiag" in the box and press enter.
- Click on Save All Information.
- Make certain that "dxdiag.txt" is in the File Name: box and that the file will save to your desktop.
- Click on Save.
- Click on Exit.
How to Create the MSInfo32 File
- Press the Windows Key and R on the keyboard.
- Type "msinfo32" in the box and press enter.
- Click on File.
- Click on EXPORT.
- Type "msinfo32" in the box.
- Click on the place you want it to save to "We suggest Desktop"
- Click on SAVE.
- The msinfo will then save as a text file to the place you requested.
- You can close the window now.
Please make sure to attach both files to the ticket to send to the support representative.