Q: What is the latest news about Robot Cache?
For the latest news and updates, please visit our dedicated investor section here. We are committed to keeping our investors informed as we progress through this exciting period of transition and growth.
Q: Can we sell our shares?
At this time, we are unable to offer liquidity options for Robot Cache shares. However, we are committed to exploring future opportunities to provide liquidity while ensuring the long-term growth and value creation for all shareholders. We understand the importance of this matter to our investors and will provide updates as we move forward. In the meantime, you can view your shares online through your account with our transfer agent, Colonial Stock Transfer, by visiting this link. We greatly appreciate your patience and continued support as we work toward achieving our mutual long-term objectives.
Q: When are we going public?
We appreciate your interest in the potential for Robot Cache to go public. At this stage, no specific timeline has been established for an initial public offering (IPO). A public offering is a significant step that requires careful consideration of market conditions, company readiness, and strategic goals. Our primary focus remains on executing our current business strategy and driving sustainable growth to maximize value for all stakeholders. Rest assured, we will keep you informed of any developments as they arise, and we are grateful for your confidence and support.
Q: How do we view our shares?
You can view your shares online via your account at our transfer agent, Colonial Stock Transfer. If you have any trouble viewing your shares or if you have any further questions, please contact Colonial Stock.
Q: How do we update our contact information?
In order to update your contact information, please log in to your account at Colonial Stock Transfer and make the appropriate changes. If you have any trouble or if you have any further questions, please contact Colonial Stock and they will assist you with any updates that you would like to make.
Q: What do we do if we are having trouble logging into our account?
If you are having trouble logging into your account, please contact Colonial Stock and they will assist you.
Q: How can I get a copy of my shares certificate?
Each Investor that participated in our offering through Republic can access their share certificates by logging in to your Republic account at republic.com. Once logged in, navigate to the “My Portfolio” section under your profile to view and download your subscription agreement(s). Should you require assistance with logging in, please contact Republic's support team at this link or reach out to them at investors@republic.co.
Q: Can we exercise or purchase the warrants?
Thank you for your interest in the warrants. The warrants were issued in the Company's 2021 Regulation A offering. The warrants are valid until 2027, the sixth anniversary of the date of issuance. The warrants will be exercisable once they are registered under the Securities Act or an exemption from registration is available. We will provide updates and notify investors regarding any developments on this matter. Your continued interest and patience are appreciated.
Q: Can I transfer my shares to another brokerage?
For questions regarding transferring your shares to another brokerage, please contact our transfer agent, Colonial Stock Transfer, by visiting their website at this link.
Q: I have a question that is not answered here.
We hope we have addressed your questions. If you require further assistance, please feel free to contact us at investors@robotcache.com. We are here to help.